
The Times They are A' changin.....

Things have really changed since the last time I posted.  We were forced to move and pretty much start our lives all over again.  We decided we were done with infertillity treatments and have taken the route of adoption through foster care.  I am so at peace.  I have never felt so good in my life.  Today is the day we find out if we are approved.  Our caseworker is taking our profile and presenting our family to the powers that be to clear us for adoption.  I'm really not that nervous because I know we are doing the right thing.  I have started another "general" blog about my life.  I will keep up dating there.....www.mypeacfulvalleyofchaos.blogspot.com

Your Friendly Neighborhood Update.....

I haven't written for awhile because it has taken awhile for me to process all that has been going on in our lives recently. I want to update on everything that has been going on but I also realize that this blog may have to take a bit of a shift for awhile.....first things first.....